From Highway 101 take the Highway 1, Stinson Beach exit. At Tam Junction (the first stop light), turn left onto the Shoreline Highway (also called Highway 1). In about 2 miles turn right onto Panoramic Highway. In another 3/4 miles the road splits 3 ways. Take the middle fork. In about 5 miles the Pan Toll Ranger Station will be on your left. Turn right through the gates across the road from the station and continue for about another 1 1/2 miles to the Rock Springs parking area.
Mountain Theater
The programs, held in the outdoor amphitheater, are about a three minute walk from the parking area. We gather at the end of evening twilight, and when visibility is adequate. But, by the time the program is concluded (45 minute to 1 hour) it will be dark. Bring flashlights. There are lanterns along the path and on the stairs at the theater, but if you feel that you need any assistance please do not hesitate to ask one of the State Park volunteers to help you. There are also a few flashlights available for loan at the Mountain Theater which can be returned at Rock Spring when you are finished with them.
Parking is free but limited -- please car pool
When you approach the Rock Springs parking area, you will find the lot has been divided into two sections by a string of orange cones. Astronomers with telescopes park to the left of the cones, while the general public is asked to park to the right. There will be signs and volunteers to assist you. If the lot is filled, there will be a sign directing you to the upper parking lot. Go past the entrance to the Mountain Theater for about another 1/4 mile. The road will be closed by a gate, and there will be a sign directing you to park in the lot to your right. There is a short trail from the lot to the Mountain Theater. It is recommended that if you wish to observe after the program and you are in the upper lot, that you take the trail back to your car then drive down to Rock Springs for the observing. Some patrons do not stay for the observing, so you should find a parking space.
Contact Us
Astronomy Questions? answers@mttam.netThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
415-388-2070 (Pantoll Ranger Station)
415-455-5370 (taped message)
San Francisco Amateur Astronomers:
415-289-6636 (415-289-NOFOG)
Mailing Address:
MTIA/Astronomy Programs
c/o Tinka Ross
89 Dominican Drive
San Rafael, CA 94901