Are you looking for a chance to contribute to the preservation of our State Parks, supporting an opportunity for people of all ages to learn about the environment and the beauty of Mt. Tamalpais and to keep history alive?
Most of us in the Bay Area have enjoyed Mt. Tamalpais, whether hiking, biking, driving, or even just appreciating the beauty of the mountain. Funds are needed to continue interpretive and educational activities of the park. By donating to MTIA, you are giving back to a place and to programs that have given so much to so many people. These are difficult times for the State of California, and budgets for State Parks have been cut drastically. It is imperative that we as lovers of the Parks help preserve the mountain and the services offered there.
The Mt. Tamalpais Interpretive Assocation (MTIA) offers all of this, in their support of State Parks Rangers. MTIA accomplishes this by sponsoring interpretive hikes - free and open to the public - staffing the Visitor Center, and sponsoring a State Park Astronomy Program. A special project focuses on funding the building of a Gravity Car Barn/Museum, which will house a gravity car replica and interpretive display from the days of the Mill Valley and Mt. Tamalpais Scenic Railway that ran on Mt. Tam from 1896 to 1930.
Make a gift to yourself and Mt. Tamalpais - contribute to the Mt. Tamalpais Interpretive Association. MTIA is a non-profit corporation and all donations to MTIA are tax deductible.
You may download our , or Stock Contribution form,
or send money to:
Mt Tamalpais Interpretive AssociationP.O. Box 7064
Corte Madera, CA 94976
Federal Tax I.D. # 501 C (3)
EIN 94-3027663